Ontario Disability
Support Program
People with either physical or developmental
disabilities in the Province of Ontario may be eligible
to receive benefits under the Ontario Disability Support
Program (ODSP). The ODSP is administered by the Ministry
of Community, Family and Children's Services. This
program which is often called the Disability Pension is
available to people who are over 18 years of age and who
meet a very closely regulated set of criteria. These
rules surround issues of assets and income of the person
with the disability and their medical condition. The
purpose of this program is to provide a basic level of
income, prescription drugs and dental care to adults
with disabilities. It also provides some basic programs
such as the current employment program which is designed
to encourage people with disabilities to enter into the
workplace and to retain employment opportunities. For
many people with disabilities in Ontario, it is
important to maintain these benefits even though they
are somewhat limited. It should also be noted that the
benefits under this program are payable until the person
with the disability reaches age 65 at which time the
Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security and the Guaranteed
Income Supplement programs take over. Under these
programs, the person will continue to receive a modest
income, prescription drugs but they will lose their
entitlement to funded dental care.
Description of the Ontario Disability Support Program
As previously mentioned, the Ontario Disability Support
Program is often referred to as being a pension plan for
people with disabilities. It contains several components
which will be discussed here in a summary format since
the full details of each category are far too lengthy
and complex for a web site discussion. If you wish to
gain further insights into the Ontario Disability
Support Program, please do not hesitate to contact the
"Special Needs" Planning Group for assistance and
The Ontario Disability Support Program provides a person
with a disability with a tax free monthly cheque based
upon the person's actual expenses up to a maximum of
$1,308 for a single person if the person is living
in a rental or ownership situation. (2023 amounts) As of
July of 2023, this amount is indexed annually to account
for inflation. If the person with a disability is
living in the family home or in a "board and lodge"
situation, the monthly amount is reduced to $995 and it
too is indexed to inflation. In addition, the
amount of the cheque can be reduced by employment income
and other income received by the person with the
disability. The income rules could eliminate a person’s
entitlement to benefits if their income amount is large
enough. However, a person receiving benefits under the
ODSP program is allowed to receive voluntary payments of
up to $10,000 in any 12 month period and unlimited
amounts of money if used for disability related expenses
as defined by the ODSP directives without affecting his
entitlement to benefits.
Over and above the monthly cheque, the ODSP provides
access to a prescription drug plan and a basic dental
coverage plan. Quite often, the drug and dental plans
are of tremendous benefit to people with special needs
since medication costs can be high. This factor alone
can make the preservation of the government program
essential. If a person qualifies for benefits under the
ODSP, he may qualify for up to an additional $250 for a
special diet allowance provided that the specific
medical conditions are listed on the ODSP guidelines.
This extra funding has been added to the program in
recognition of the fact that special diets may be
necessitated by various medical conditions and there may
be extra costs as a result.
Employment Supports are also available through the ODSP
program. These supports are designed to reduce or
eliminate disability-related barriers to finding and
keeping an income earning position of employment. A
person with a disability can access the following
assistance under the employment support section of the
If a person qualifies for Employment Benefits under ODSP
then the services he or she can receive are as follows:
Assistance Developing an Employment Plan
Employment Preparation and Training:
Job Coaching
Job Placement
Technical Aids
Interpreter, Reader, Note taker, Intervener Services
Transportation Assistance While in Training Program
All in all, it is easy to see that to live on only the
ODSP benefits alone is not living in the lap of luxury.
The cost of living in most communities of Ontario far
exceeds the benefits available to the people with
disabilities. The preceding review is simply an overview
of the program. If you are interested in a more in depth
view of the ODSP program, simply contact The "Special
Needs" Planning Group.
Qualifying for Benefits
A person who wishes to receive ODSP benefits must
qualify for them on both a financial and medical basis.
The Government's position is that it should be the payer
of last resort when it comes to the ODSP program. This
means, for the most part, that all other assets and
income of the person with the disability must be almost
exhausted before the ODSP program will begin to pay.
However, there are exceptions to the rules. The
regulations surrounding the assets and income of the
person with the disability will follow.
Asset Regulations
The regulations stipulate that a person applying for or
receiving ODSP benefits must not own liquid assets in
excess of $40,000 (as of September 1, 2017) for a single
person or $50,000 for a married person plus $500 for
each dependent child. If an applicant or recipient
exceeds these values, they are not eligible for
benefits. There is no clear or formal definition of
liquid assets however, it is generally accepted that
liquid assets are cash or anything that can easily be
converted to cash. Liquid assets include but are not
limited to, money in the bank, stocks, bonds, GIC’s,
Mutual Funds, some Tax Free Savings Accounts, some
RRSP’s some in-trust accounts and in some cases, even
valuable coin or stamp collections. If you are not
certain that a particular asset is part of the $40,000
limit or not, don’t hesitate to contact the Special
Needs Planning Group for clarification.
The regulations specifically exempt several assets from
being considered liquid assets. This means that people
can own the following without it being counted against
Some Exempt assets are:
- A Person's Principal Residence
- A Second Property necessary for the health or
well-being of a member of the benefit unit.
- A Vehicle of Any Value
- A Second Vehicle of up to $15, 000 Used for
Employment outside the home.
- Tools of the Trade of a Member of the Benefit Unit
- Farm Assets – Considered Tools of the Trade
- Business Assets up to $20,000
- Student Loans, Grants, Awards or Bursaries
- Assets Derived From Earnings of Dependent Child’s
- Some Gifts if Used Within Certain Time
- Contributed to RESP or RDSP – 6 months
- To Purchase a Principal Residence – 12 months
- To Purchase an Exempt Vehicle or First & Last
Month’s Rent – 6 months
- Registered Education Savings Plans (RESP’s)
- Prepaid Funeral Programs
- Insurance Payments under Ontario Disaster Relief
Assistance Program
- All Compensation Settlements for Pain and Suffering,
Loss of Care, Guidance and Companionship under the
Family Law Act and Non-Economic Loss under Workplace
Safety and Insurance act or Worker’s Compensation Act
- Many Special Government Compensation Payments
- Aboriginal Land Claim Settlements
- Income Support Arrears from Retroactive ODSP
Entitlements – Exempt for 6 months
- Inheritance or the Proceeds of an Insurance Policy
of up to $100,000, Held in Trust (Inheritance Trust)
- Cash Surrender Value of a Life Insurance Policy
including a Segregated Fund up to $100,000
- Inheritance or the Proceeds of an Insurance Policy
of Unlimited Amounts Held in a Henson Trust (See
Henson Trusts in Tools and Techniques section)
- Earnings While Attending Secondary School
- Earnings of Post-Secondary Students
- Locked in RRSP’s and Segregated Fund RRSP’s up to
- Loans for Exempt Assets or First and Last Month’s
- Registered Disability Savings Plans (RDSP’s)
Income Regulations
Income can come in many forms. Most often, we think of
income as being related to employment and for many
people, that is their only source of income. When we
discuss income as it relates to people with disabilities
and the ODSP, we must focus on all potential sources. It
should also be noted that there are a great number of
rules and regulations which define exemptions from
income according to the ODSP. The following will only
summarize the most common items which are
typically considered to be income and we will explore
how they are treated by the ODSP.
Income Includes the Following:
- All wages, salaries, casual earnings or any
remuneration paid pursuant to a training program.
- Income or revenue from an interest in or operation
of a business.
- All regular or periodic payments received under any
annuity, pension plan, superannuation scheme or
insurance benefit.
- All payments received under a mortgage agreement.
- All pensions or other payments received pursuant to
the legislation of any other country.
- All payments in cash or in kind for spousal support.
- All payments received as a retainer from a
Children's Aid society for being available to provide
emergency care.
- All payments received where the recipient is a
sponsored immigrant or nominated relative under the
Immigration Act or the Immigration and Refugee
Protection Act.
- Any payments received from the sale or disposition
of an asset unless otherwise exempt.
- All interest earned from the proceeds of a
compensation award regardless of the amount of the
- Dividends earned from a life insurance policy that
are not otherwise exempt.
- Interest or dividend payments earned from the
capital of a trust that are not otherwise exempt.
- 60% of gross income earned by renting out
self-contained quarters, land or garage.
- The greater of $100 or 60% of gross rental income
earned for lodging provided without meals.
- The greater of $100 or 40% of gross rental income
earned for lodging provided with meals.
- Income replacement payments under:
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Act and Workers
Compensation Act that are benefits for loss of
income due to injury on the job
- Pension Act
- Employment Insurance Act
- War Veterans Allowance Act
- Civilians War Pension and Allowances Act
- Canada Pension Plan or Quebec Pension Plan
- Old Age Security Act and Guaranteed Income
- Ontario Guaranteed Annual Income Act
- ETC.
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Excluded From Income
It should also be noted that there are
also a large number of items that are specifically
excluded from the income calculation. Some of them are:
- Earnings Exemptions From Employment.
- Net Employment Earnings up to $1000 per month.
The Excess over $1000 per month is deducted from the
ODSP cheque at the rate of 75%
- Earnings of a dependent child of the recipient of
ODSP benefits.
- Earnings of dependent adults attending secondary
school on a full time basis or a training program.
- Earnings of persons attending post-secondary School.
- Child Support Payments Received.
- The proceeds from the sale of a principal residence
provided those proceeds are used to purchase another
principal residence, an asset necessary for health and
welfare, an exempt asset, or an asset that does not
result in the recipient exceeding the prescribed asset
- Interest earned on the allowable asset limits (i.e.:
$40,000 for single person)
- An amount up to $10,000 in a 12 month period per
member of the benefit unit, in the form of gifts or
voluntary payments for any purpose from any source;
(this includes monies from trusts, life insurance
policies, honorariums and windfalls). Casual gifts of
insignificant value, e.g. basic clothing, meals,
occasional food purchases are also exempt.
- Honorariums are generally payments made to
individuals to recognize services provided, where
payment is not required. In these cases, honorariums
are considered voluntary payments and may be
included in the $10,000 exemption for voluntary
- Honorariums paid in a way that is similar to a
salary, to fulfill an obligation to compensate the
recipient for services provided, are treated as
employment income, and not as voluntary payments
under ODSP. In these cases, the usual earnings
exemptions apply.
- Payments from any source in the form of gifts or
voluntary payments for disability-related items and
services or for education and training incurred
because of the disability of a member of the benefit
unit. There is no limit on the value of these
contributions, provided they will not be reimbursed
from other sources;
- Gifts received in any amount that are used for first
and last month’s rent, to purchase a vehicle or to
purchase a principal residence.
- RDSP related exemptions:
- voluntary contributions made to RDSPs by family
members and other third parties;
- interest earned on and re-invested in an RDSP;
- the federal Canada Disability Savings Grants and
Canada Disability Savings Bonds; and
- all withdrawals from an RDSP for any purpose.
- Refundable tax credits including the Canada Child
Tax Benefit, National Child Benefit Supplement,
Ontario Children’s Activity Tax Credit and the Ontario
Trillium Benefit Payment.
- Ontario Child Benefit (OCB) Payments.
- Payments from the Universal Child Care Benefit.
- Payments from the Canada Pension Plan Orphan
- Payments from the Quebec Pension Plan Orphan
- Payments from the Ontario Child Care Supplement for
Working Families.
- Payments received under subsection 147(14) of the
Worker's Compensation Act, known as B165 payments;
- Payments received for property damage and temporary
living expenses through the Ontario Disaster Relief
Assistance Program (ODRAP) other than payments for
loss of income;
- Payments (cash and in-kind) received by evacuees of
the Kashechewan First Nation between October 2005 and
September 2006, from a municipality or a Tribal
Council made on behalf of the federal Department of
Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Canada);
- Insurance payments made for temporary living
expenses and to replace or repair lost/damaged exempt
assets or assets within allowable asset limits but not
payments for loss of income;
- Mortgage payments paid by disability insurance
purchased by an applicant/recipient on a mortgage for
his/her principal residence;
- A forgivable loan under the First Nation, Intuit,
Métis Urban and Rural (FIMUR) Housing home Ownership
Assistance Program.
- A forgivable loan or a grant under the Residential
Rehabilitation Assistance Program (RRAP) that provides
assistance to on-reserve low-income homeowners to
bring their homes up to safety and health standards,
or improve energy efficiency.
- A forgivable loan or grant under Ontario Renovates
that provides assistance to low-income homeowners to
bring their homes up to safety and health standards,
improve energy, efficiency and/or increase
accessibility of the home through modifications and
adaptations; and, create a new affordable rental unit
within an existing single family home;
- Payments made under the Investment in affordable
Housing (IAH) - operating components that exceed the
maximum shelter allowance up to the actual shelter
- Payments made under the Community Homelessness
Prevention Initiative (CHPI) payments for:
- rent deposits;
- establishing a new principal residence;
- maintaining the health and welfare of a member of
the benefit unit in her or her current residence;
- arrears relating to shelter costs; or other
housing and homelessness-related services, items or
costs approved by the Director of Ontario Works.
- Payments made under CHPI for personal needs made to
domiciliary hostel residents up to the amount
equivalent to the ODSP amount issued for personal
needs to recipients residing in a long-term care home.
- Financial grants, items or services that are issued
for energy-conservation in homes through Conservation
and Demand Management Programs offered by local
Electricity Distribution Companies;
- Financial grants, items or services that are issued
for energy-conservation in homes through Demand Side
Management programs offered by local Natural Gas
- Benefits in the form of a cheque or voucher received
through the Water Filter Fund program;
- All direct financial assistance received from the
Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport’s Quest for
Gold – Ontario Athlete Assistance Program;
- Funds received from the Ministry of Training,
Colleges and Universities or Canada Student Financial
Assistance for education costs such as books, tuition,
instructional supplies, transportation costs and
compulsory fees;
- Funds received from the Ministry of Training,
Colleges and Universities under the Second Career
program for education costs.
- Awards or grants from the Ministry of Training,
Colleges and Universities to a student enrolled in a
post-secondary institution;
- A bursary received by a full-time student enrolled
in a secondary school under 8(1)18 of the Education
- The Dr. Albert Rose Bursary to assist public housing
tenants attending post-secondary school;
- Payments from an RESP, intended and used for
education costs, received by a recipient or any other
member of a benefit unit as well as gifts and
voluntary payments received above the $10,000
exemption and paid into such RESPs. See Directive 5.11
Post-Secondary Education;
- Proceeds from a court judgement or legal settlement
or an award from a statutory tribunal, such as
Compensation for Victims of Crime, received as damages
or compensation for pain and suffering, due to injury
to or the death of a member of the benefit unit, up to
a maximum of $100,000 for each member of the benefit
unit. See Directive 4.6 Compensation Awards;
- Compensation received as settlement for a claim of
abuse sustained at an Indian Residential School, other
than compensation for loss of income;
- Prejudgement interest awarded as compensation for
the delay in receiving damages for pain and suffering
as a result of injury to or death of a member of the
benefit unit, See Directive 4.6 Compensation Awards;
- Payments received under section 46 of the Workplace
Safety and Insurance Act and section 42 of the
Workers' Compensation Act known as Non-economic Loss
Awards to compensate for permanent impairment from a
work related injury or illness causing physical,
functional or psychological loss;
- Independent Living Allowance payments from the
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board received annually
by severely impaired workers;
- A Full Income Exemption Applies to the Total
Compensation Award for:
- Pain and Suffering as a Result of an Injury or
Death of a Member of the Benefit Unit.
- Expenses Actually or Reasonably Incurred or to be
Incurred as Result of Injury or Death of a Member of
the Benefit Unit.
- Family Law awards for loss of guidance, care and
companionship as a result of death or injury
- WSIB Non-economic loss (NEL) awards for persons
who suffer permanent impairment from work-related
injury or illness that causes physical, functional
or psychological loss.
- Interest earned on the capital of an inheritance
retained in trust up to the allowable limit of
$100,000. See Directive 4.7 Funds Held in Trust;
- All payments from the trust, including interest
earned, used for the purchase of approved
disability-related items and services (e.g. assistive
devices) or education and training expenses incurred
because of the benefit unit member's disability are
exempt as income without limit. See Directive 5.9
Treatment of Disability-Related Items and Services;
- Payments from the capital of a trust (including
interest earned and retained therein) for
non-disability-related purposes are exempt as income
to a combined maximum of $10,000 in a twelve month
period per member of the benefit unit (the combined
maximum includes payments from a trust, gifts or
voluntary payments, life insurance policies,
honorariums and windfalls). In addition to the
$10,000 exemption, payments from the capital of a
trust that will be applied to the purchase of a
principal residence, an exempt vehicle or that will be
applied to the first and last month’s rent are also
exempt as income.
This exemption applies provided the applicant/recipient
files an annual report, which is satisfactory to the
Director, documenting all income and expense
transactions relating to the inherited assets held in
- Life insurance policies, annuities, deferred
annuities and segregated funds purchased through a
life insurance company, with a cash surrender value of
up to $100,000 per member of the benefit unit,
provided that the cash surrender value remains within
the policy. (Note: under the Insurance Act, annuities,
deferred annuities, and segregated funds purchased
through a life insurance company are considered to be
life insurance);
Note: Interest and dividends from an exempt life
insurance policy and loans against the face value of an
exempt life insurance policy may be exempt as follows:
- income generated from the policy is exempt provided
that it is reinvested in the policy and that the total
cash surrender value does not exceed $100,000;
- payments from or loans against the face value of the
policy are exempt, provided the funds are used for
approved disability-related items and services, or
education and training expenses incurred because of
the person’s disability;
- partial redemption of the cash surrender value may
be exempt if there is room to use the maximum
exemption of $6,000 per twelve-month period per member
of the benefit unit;
Note: Income from the policy, annuity or segregated
fund that is not reinvested in the policy, not used for
approved disability-related items and services, or
applied to the purchase of a principal residence, an
exempt vehicle, first and last month’s rent or not
claimed under the annual $10,000 exemption, is
chargeable as income.
- All donations received from a religious, charitable
or benevolent organization for any purpose.
- All payments received fro activities related to
participating in a Jury including the per diem payment
or payments for transportation.
- 40% of gross rental income, and 60% of gross board
and lodging income;
- Loans including a reverse mortgage used for an
approved purpose. Approved purposes include:
- the purchase of approved disability-related items
or services;
- expenses for health-related reasons as supported
by a medical doctor, and approved by the Director;
- business loans;
- Ontario Student Assistance Program payments for
tuition, books, transportation costs, instructional
supplies and other compulsory fees related to a
post-secondary institution;
- approved personal loans for training or education
costs as long as the person is attending the program
or training for which the loan was taken or intended
and that the funds are applied to education or
training within a reasonable period of time. See
Directive 5.11 Post-Secondary Education;
- loans to recipients for assets that are exempt,
(e.g. motor vehicles, principle residences);
- loans for the payment of first and last month’s
- loans for the purchase of normal household items;
- First Nations settlements not made under the Indian
Act or a Treaty;
- Payments from ODSP employment supports and Ontario
Works employment assistance;
- Certain payments under the Indian Act (Canada) under
a treaty between Her Majesty and a Band, other than
funds for post secondary education.
- Payments pursuant to an Aboriginal land claim
settlement agreement between Ontario and/or Canada.
(Please see Directive 4.1 regarding asset treatment
related to these payments.)
- Canada or Quebec Pension Plan Death Benefits;
- Payments received under the Supports to Promote the
Social Inclusion of Persons with Developmental
Disabilities Act;
- Payments received under the Ministry of Community
and Social Services Act;
- An adoption subsidy received from a Children's Aid
Society under the Child and Family Services Act. Every
adoption subsidy is accompanied by an agreement that
stipulates the items that the subsidy is intended to
cover. Items covered under an adoption subsidy should
not be claimed as an expense under the Assistance for
Children with Severe Disabilities (ACSD) program;
- From February 1, 2007, payments received from a
Children’s Aid Society for Permanency Planning, which
includes Admission Prevention, Kinship Service and
help with the costs of children in Legal Custody
(Section 65.2 of the Child and Family Services Act);
- A grant received under the Employment Insurance Act
(Canada) and used for the purpose of purchasing a
training course approved by the Director. Payments
under the federal Employment Measures and Benefit -
Human Resources Investment Fund (HRIF) through
Employment Insurance were formerly known as the
Transitional Skills Grant;
- Learning Earning and Parenting Program (LEAP)
incentive payments ($500). (The payment will also be
exempt as an asset if used by the young parent for
post-secondary education or if it is invested in a
Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) for the young
parent’s dependent child.);
- Interest earned on the LEAP incentive payments
within an RESP. LEAP incentive payments placed in an
RESP for the young parent’s dependent child consist of
an Ontario payment as well as a federal payment made
as a Canada Education Savings Grant;
- Other miscellaneous payments exempt under the ODSP
There are a number of other things that affect the ODSP
benefits in terms of income. There are rules surrounding
Canada Pension Plan and WSIB benefits, the proceeds of
the sale of assets, employment bonuses and many other
types of income. For a further examination of those
income issues, please consult the ODSP Income Support
Policy Directives.
Medical Qualification: Definition of Disability:
As far as the ODSP is concerned, in order to qualify
for benefits, a person must be a person in need and
a person with a disability. A Person with a Disability
- you have a substantial physical or mental impairment
- the impairment is expected to last at least 12
months (although its effect may be episodic or
- the impairment substantially limits your activities
of daily living in at least one of three areas:
- Personal Care (e.g. bathing, grooming, dressing)
- Activities in the community (e.g. banking, shopping)
- Activities in the workplace (e.g. being able to
follow instructions)
The definition a person with a disability does not focus
on a person’s abilities but rather on their limitations.
It also seems that a “label” has little or nothing to do
with whether or not they qualify for benefits. The
actual limitations that the person has determine whether
or not they qualify from a medical perspective.
In conclusion, the Ontario Disability Support Program
has a very complicated set of rules and regulations
surrounding the qualification process. People with
disabilities who have assets in excess of the allowable
amount are not eligible for benefits and people who have
income will have to use it first, before receiving
benefits from the ODSP. The financial issues must be
sorted out before a person will qualify for benefits and
a great deal of planning should be done around making
certain that assets and income do not fall into the
hands of the person with a disability by mistake. This
could also make a person ineligible for benefits.
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